If you are looking for work from home jobs or online jobs on the internet, you find n number of websites, which offers high paying work from home jobs. These websites look very professional and offer online, offline projects like data entry, paid survey jobs, ad posting jobs, programming, designing projects, etc.
These websites offer paid membership also free membership where you have to register with their website to get the projects. To become a member of the website you have to pay Rs. 500 to Rs 12000. They will give assurance like you after registering with them, they would send projects to your mail Id, or you have to work on their server. But wait…. before registering to this kind of website check the review of the website by Googling, because all websites not genuine and not true, most of the websites are scam or fraud. These websites are cheating by the name of online jobs. After registering they won’t send you any work or if send, after finishing the project, they won’t pay to you. Please do not show hurry in registering with this kind of websites.
I spent nearly one week to find fraud websites, which offer work from home jobs. After spending long time I listed out more than 20 websites, which are a scam, cheating innocent people. User reviews, forums and complaints on the particular website helped me lot to find how these websites are cheating. So I have listed out below websites, which are purely based on the user’s reviews and complaints.
Kindly go through below scam website list and let me know if any website not included in the list.
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